I've taken note in some larger companies or business continuity/enterprise resiliency programs, gamefication is a tactic used to keep employees interested in doing business continuity.
Competition as a driver. Is it truly a motivator, though? I know one of the issues inherent in keeping a business continuity plan alive and well is continued interplay with it - updates, trainings, exercises. The question became one of how do we make business continuity a priority instead of seen as an extra duty, which tends to get put on the back burner in favor of other, "more" pressing or important tasks. The answer was make it part of the job description. But has the answer changed? Is gamefication better? Seeing how much more ahead your department is than another's?
Sometimes it can be fun with the idea of inspiration and celebration of a job well done among peers (I actually typed "peeps" and considered leaving it because 1) it worked and 2) it's almost Easter). It can even promote helping across departments to make sure everyone crosses that finish line. Sometimes, however, it can run counter to the goal of breaking down silos by increasing competition. There has been much success with using gamefication during exercises, though, to encourage engagement (which is vital to the success of an exercise).
One of the things people struggle with is proof on concept with it comes to business continuity: like in emergency management, you don't necessarily see the value without a disaster or disruption. There can also be a lack of instant gratification in business continuity: either there is nothing physical to show for it or an object like a new generator is great but it isn't needed right away...because there hasn't been an incident (yet). Creating and showing value earlier by reeling in the interest of the employees via gamefication definitely gets into some of the proof of concept.
What matters is a business continuity practice that works and is effective. I don't care how it gets done so long as it works and resonates with the people doing it. What would motivate you?
And, no, no one said "prizes" but you do win. You win the ability to stay in business.
Secure. Survive. Thrive.